
of advanced graph algorithms

Push-Relabel algorithm

solves the maximum flow problem

Label-Setting algorithm

solves the shortest path problem with resource constraints (SPPRC)

IDP of Adrian Haarbach

Previous work

multiple IDP's



The canvas element is part of HTML5 and allows for dynamic, scriptable rendering of 2D shapes and bitmap images. It is a low level, procedural model that updates a bitmap and does not have a built-in scene graph. from wikipedia

low level

drawing operations

 * @author Mark J. Becker
 * Funktionen in dieser Datei werden dazu genutzt,
 * Formen auf das Canvas zu zeichnen

 * Klasse mit Funktionen, um den Graph auf das Canvas zu zeichnen.
 * Die Funktionen in dieser Klasse sind allesamt statisch
 * @class 
function CanvasDrawMethods() {};

 * Zeichne Pfeil an Kante
 * @param  {Object} ctx             2dContext des Canvas
 * @param  {Object} layout          Layout der Kante
 * @param  {Object} source          Koordinaten des Ausgangspunkts
 * @param  {Object} target          Koordinaten des Zielpunkts
 * @param  {String} label           Text
 * @param  {String} additionalLabel Zusätzlicher Text
CanvasDrawMethods.drawArrowAtPosition = function(ctx,layout,source,target,label,additionalLabel) {
    if(!layout.progressArrow) {
    var arrowHeadColor = const_Colors.EdgeHighlight2;
    // Pfeilkopf zeichnen
    ctx.strokeStyle = arrowHeadColor;
    ctx.lineWidth = 4.0;
    var position = layout.progressArrowPosition || 0.0;
    var center = {x: (source.x + (target.x - source.x) * position), y: (source.y + (target.y - source.y) * position)};
    var edgeAngle = Math.atan2(target.y-source.y,target.x-source.x);
    var arrowStart = {x:center.x+ Math.cos(edgeAngle)* layout.arrowHeadLength/2,y:center.y+ Math.sin(edgeAngle) * layout.arrowHeadLength/2};
    var lineAngle1 = Math.atan2(target.y-source.y,target.x-source.x)
            + layout.arrowAngle + Math.PI;  // Winkel des rechten Pfeilkopfs relativ zum Nullpunkt
    var lineAngle2 = Math.atan2(target.y-source.y,target.x-source.x)
            - layout.arrowAngle + Math.PI;  // Winkel des linken Pfeilkopfs relativ zum Nullpunkt
    ctx.moveTo(arrowStart.x, arrowStart.y);
    ctx.lineTo(arrowStart.x + Math.cos(lineAngle1) * layout.arrowHeadLength, arrowStart.y + Math.sin(lineAngle1) * layout.arrowHeadLength);
    ctx.moveTo(arrowStart.x, arrowStart.y);
    ctx.lineTo(arrowStart.x + Math.cos(lineAngle2) * layout.arrowHeadLength, arrowStart.y + Math.sin(lineAngle2) * layout.arrowHeadLength);

 * Zeichnet einen Pfeil, wobei die Pfeilspitze in der Mitte ist.
* Falls der Pfeil als "Highlighted" gekennzeichnet ist wird, so wird ein kleinerer * Pfeil auf den großen Pfeil in anderer Farbe gezeichnet. * @param {Object} ctx 2dContext des Canvas * @param {Object} layout Layout des Pfeils * @param {Object} source Koordinaten des Ausgangspunkts * @param {Object} target Koordinaten des Zielpunkts * @param {String} label Text auf dem Pfeil * @param {String} additionalLabel Zusatztext zu dem Pfeil */ CanvasDrawMethods.drawArrow = function(ctx,layout,source,target,label,additionalLabel) { // Linie zeichnen CanvasDrawMethods.drawLine(ctx,layout,source,target); var arrowHeadColor = layout.lineColor; if(layout.isHighlighted) { arrowHeadColor = const_Colors.EdgeHighlight3; } // Pfeilkopf zeichnen ctx.beginPath(); ctx.strokeStyle = arrowHeadColor; //var position = 0.0; var center = {x: (target.x+source.x)/2, y:(target.y+source.y)/2}; //var center = {x: (source.x + (target.x - source.x) * position), y: (source.y + (target.y - source.y) * position)}; var edgeAngle = Math.atan2(target.y-source.y,target.x-source.x); var arrowStart = {x:center.x+ Math.cos(edgeAngle)* layout.arrowHeadLength/2,y:center.y+ Math.sin(edgeAngle)* layout.arrowHeadLength/2}; var lineAngle1 = Math.atan2(target.y-source.y,target.x-source.x) + layout.arrowAngle + Math.PI; // Winkel des rechten Pfeilkopfs relativ zum Nullpunkt var lineAngle2 = Math.atan2(target.y-source.y,target.x-source.x) - layout.arrowAngle + Math.PI; // Winkel des linken Pfeilkopfs relativ zum Nullpunkt ctx.moveTo(arrowStart.x, arrowStart.y); ctx.lineTo(arrowStart.x + Math.cos(lineAngle1) * layout.arrowHeadLength,arrowStart.y + Math.sin(lineAngle1) * layout.arrowHeadLength); ctx.stroke(); ctx.moveTo(arrowStart.x, arrowStart.y); ctx.lineTo(arrowStart.x + Math.cos(lineAngle2) * layout.arrowHeadLength,arrowStart.y + Math.sin(lineAngle2) * layout.arrowHeadLength); ctx.stroke(); if(layout.isHighlighted) { var thirtyPercent = {x: 0.3*target.x + 0.7*source.x, y: 0.3*target.y + 0.7*source.y}; CanvasDrawMethods.drawLine(ctx,{lineColor:arrowHeadColor, lineWidth:layout.lineWidth},thirtyPercent,arrowStart); } if(label) { CanvasDrawMethods.drawTextOnLine(ctx,layout,source,target,label); } if(additionalLabel) { CanvasDrawMethods.drawAdditionalTextOnLine(ctx,layout,source,target,additionalLabel); } }; /** * Zeichnet einen Linie in 2D * @param {Object} ctx 2dContext des Canvas * @param {Object} layout Layout der Linie * @param {Object} source Koordinaten des Ausgangspunkts * @param {Object} target Koordinaten des Zielpunkts */ CanvasDrawMethods.drawLine = function(ctx,layout,source,target) { // Linie zeichnen ctx.beginPath(); ctx.moveTo(source.x, source.y); ctx.lineTo(target.x,target.y); ctx.strokeStyle = layout.lineColor; ctx.lineWidth = layout.lineWidth; ctx.stroke(); }; /** * Zeichnet einen Text auf eine Linie. * Der Text wird ensprechend gedreht. * @param {Object} ctx 2dContext des Canvas * @param {Object} layout Layout des Pfeils * @param {Object} source Koordinaten des Ausgangspunkts * @param {Object} target Koordinaten des Zielpunkts * @param {String} label Text */ CanvasDrawMethods.drawTextOnLine = function(ctx,layout,source,target,label) {; // Aktuellen Zustand speichern (vor den Transformationen) ctx.font = layout.fontSize.toString() +"px " +layout.font; var arrowHeight = Math.sin(layout.arrowAngle)*layout.arrowHeadLength; var arrowWidth = Math.cos(layout.arrowAngle)*layout.arrowHeadLength; var labelMeasure = ctx.measureText(label); var alpha = Math.atan2(target.y-source.y,target.x-source.x); var center = {x: (target.x+source.x)/2, y:(target.y+source.y)/2}; ctx.translate(center.x, center.y); ctx.rotate(alpha); if(Math.abs(alpha)>Math.PI/2) { // Verhindere, dass Text auf dem Kopf angezeigt wird. ctx.translate(0, layout.fontSize/2); // Gehe in die Mitte des Texts ctx.rotate(Math.PI); // Rotiere um 180 Grad ctx.fillText(label, -arrowWidth/2, layout.fontSize+3+layout.lineWidth +arrowHeight); // Schreibe Text an Position } else { ctx.fillText(label, -labelMeasure.width/2, -3-arrowHeight); // Verschriebung um 3, um nicht zu nah am Pfeil zu sein. } ctx.restore(); // Ursprünglichen Zustand wiederherstellen. }; /** * Zeichnet einen Zusatztext auf eine Linie.
* Der Text wird ensprechend gedreht und umkreist. * @param {Object} ctx 2dContext des Canvas * @param {Object} layout Layout des Pfeils * @param {Object} source Koordinaten des Ausgangspunkts * @param {Object} target Koordinaten des Zielpunkts * @param {String} label Text */ CanvasDrawMethods.drawAdditionalTextOnLine = function(ctx,layout,source,target,label) {; // Aktuellen Zustand speichern (vor den Transformationen) ctx.font = layout.fontSize.toString() +"px " +layout.font; ctx.fillStyle = layout.lineColor; ctx.strokeStyle = layout.lineColor; var arrowHeight = Math.sin(layout.arrowAngle)*layout.arrowHeadLength; var arrowWidth = Math.cos(layout.arrowAngle)*layout.arrowHeadLength; var labelMeasure = ctx.measureText(label); var alpha = Math.atan2(target.y-source.y,target.x-source.x); var viertel = {x: 0.25*target.x+0.75*source.x, y:0.25*target.y+0.75*source.y}; ctx.translate(viertel.x, viertel.y); ctx.rotate(alpha); if(Math.abs(alpha)>Math.PI/2) { // Verhindere, dass Text auf dem Kopf angezeigt wird. ctx.translate(0, layout.fontSize/2); // Gehe in die Mitte des Texts ctx.rotate(Math.PI); // Rotiere um 180 Grad ctx.fillText(label, -labelMeasure.width/2, layout.fontSize+3+layout.lineWidth +arrowHeight); // Schreibe Text an Position ctx.beginPath(); ctx.arc(0,layout.fontSize/2+6+layout.lineWidth +arrowHeight, 0.8*layout.fontSize, 0, Math.PI*2, true); } else { ctx.fillText(label, -labelMeasure.width/2, -layout.fontSize+12-layout.lineWidth -arrowHeight); // Schreibe Text an Position ctx.beginPath(); ctx.arc(0,-layout.fontSize/2-layout.lineWidth -arrowHeight, 0.8*layout.fontSize, 0, Math.PI*2, true); } ctx.lineWidth = 1; ctx.stroke(); ctx.restore(); // Ursprünglichen Zustand wiederherstellen. }; /** * Zeichnet eine gefüllten Kreis an gegebener Position. * In den Kreis kann ein Text geschrieben werden. * @param {Object} ctx 2dContext des Canvas. * @param {Object} position Ort, an dem der Knoten erstellt werden soll. * @param {Object} layout Aussehen des Knotens. * @param {String} label Beschriftung des Knotens. */ CanvasDrawMethods.drawDisk = function(ctx,position,layout,label) { ctx.beginPath(); // Zeichne Füllung ctx.fillStyle = layout.fillStyle; ctx.arc(position.x, position.y, layout.nodeRadius, 0, Math.PI*2, true); ctx.fill(); // Zeichne Rand ctx.lineWidth = layout.borderWidth; ctx.strokeStyle = layout.borderColor; ctx.stroke(); // Zeichne NodeID in den Knoten ctx.fillStyle = layout.fontColor; ctx.font = layout.font + " " +layout.fontSize.toString() + "px sans-serif"; // Text sollte maximal so breit sein, dass er in den Knoten passt. var labelMeasure = Math.min(ctx.measureText(label).width,layout.nodeRadius*1.7); ctx.fillText(label, position.x-labelMeasure/2, position.y+layout.nodeRadius-layout.borderWidth-layout.fontSize/2,layout.nodeRadius*1.7); };


resolution bound, not scalable

no scene graph

instead just 1 DOM element

no scene graph

hard to interact with visual elements

canvas.on("click", function(e) {
    var mx = e.pageX - canvas.offset().left;
    var my = e.pageY - canvas.offset().top;
    for(var knotenID in graph.nodes) {
        if (graph.nodes[knotenID].contains(mx, my)) {
            alert("clicked on node " + knotenId);
    for(var kantenID in graph.edges) {
        if (graph.edges[kantenID].contains(mx, my, canvas.getContext("2d"))) {
        	alert("clicked on edge " + kantenID);
    alert("clicked on empty space in canvas");

 * Zeigt, ob sich die gegebenen Koordinaten auf der Kante befinden.
 * @method
 * @param {Number} mx				x-Koordinate
 * @param {Number} my				y-Koordinate
 * @this {GraphNode}
 * @return {Boolean}
GraphNode.prototype.contains = function(mx, my) {
    var coord = this.getCoordinates();
    var radius = this.getLayout().nodeRadius;
    return (mx-coord.x)*(mx-coord.x) + (my-coord.y)*(my-coord.y) < radius*radius;

 * Zeigt, ob sich die gegebenen Koordinaten auf der Kante befinden.
 * Es wird geprüft ob der Mausklick nah genug (innerhalb einer Toleranz) an der Kante war.
 * @param {Number} mx				x-Koordinate
 * @param {Number} my				y-Koordinate
 * @param {Object} ctx				Kontext des aktuellen Canvas
 * @this {Edge}
 * @returns {Boolean}
 * @method
Edge.prototype.contains = function(mx,my,ctx) {
    var toleranz = 7;									// Wie viele Punkte entfernt von der Kante darf man klicken?
    var sourceC = this.getSourceCoordinates();
    var targetC = this.getTargetCoordinates();
    var alpha = Math.atan2(targetC.y-sourceC.y,targetC.x-sourceC.x);
    // Ist der Mauszeiger auf der Kante?

    var MouseShift = {x:mx-sourceC.x,y:my-sourceC.y};
    var MouseShiftRot = {x: MouseShift.x*Math.cos(-alpha) - MouseShift.y*Math.sin(-alpha),
                y: MouseShift.x*Math.sin(-alpha) + MouseShift.y*Math.cos(-alpha)};
    var targetShift = {x:targetC.x-sourceC.x,y:targetC.y-sourceC.y};
    var targetShiftRot = {x:targetShift.x*Math.cos(-alpha) - targetShift.y*Math.sin(-alpha),
                y:targetShift.x*Math.sin(-alpha) + targetShift.y*Math.cos(-alpha)};
    if(MouseShiftRot.x>=0 && MouseShiftRot.x<=targetShiftRot.x && Math.abs(MouseShiftRot.y)<=toleranz) {
        return true;
    // Ist der Mauszeiger auf dem Text?
    var center = {x: (targetC.x+sourceC.x)/2, y:(targetC.y+sourceC.y)/2};
    var labelWidth = ctx.measureText(this.weight.toString()).width;
    var arrowHeight = Math.sin(this.getLayout().arrowAngle)*this.getLayout().arrowHeadLength;
    var c0 = {x:center.x+Math.cos(alpha)*labelWidth/2,
    var c1 = {x:center.x-Math.cos(alpha)*labelWidth/2,
    var c11 = {x:c1.x + Math.cos(alpha + Math.PI/2)*(-3-arrowHeight-this.getLayout().fontSize),
                y:c1.y + Math.sin(alpha + Math.PI/2)*(-3-arrowHeight-this.getLayout().fontSize)};
    var upperCornerOld = {x:c11.x-c0.x,y:c11.y-c0.y};
    var upperCorner = {x:upperCornerOld.x*Math.cos(-alpha) - upperCornerOld.y*Math.sin(-alpha),
                y:upperCornerOld.x*Math.sin(-alpha) + upperCornerOld.y*Math.cos(-alpha)};

    var rotatedMouseOld = {x:mx-c0.x,y:my-c0.y};
    var rotatedMouse = {x: rotatedMouseOld.x*Math.cos(-alpha) - rotatedMouseOld.y*Math.sin(-alpha),
                y: rotatedMouseOld.x*Math.sin(-alpha) + rotatedMouseOld.y*Math.cos(-alpha)};
    if(rotatedMouse.x <=0 && rotatedMouse.x>= upperCorner.x && rotatedMouse.y<=0 && rotatedMouse.y>= upperCorner.y) {
        return true;
    return false;

My work

1 IDP, 2 algorithms

Common need:

2nd visualization layer

  • Push-Relabel algorithm
    • height function of each node
  • Label-Setting algorithm
    • labels of paths
    • pareto frontiers of all labels resident in a node

technology #1: SVG

Unlike low-level canvas, which is raster-based, high-level SVG is vector-based, i.e., each drawn shape is remembered as an object in a scene graph in the DOM. This means that if attributes of an SVG object are changed, the browser can automatically re-render the scene. The SVG scene graph enables event handlers to be associated with objects , so a rectangle may respond to an onClick event.
from wikipedia


drawing operations






var svg ="#mySVG1");
//2 nodes
//1 edge
var edge = svg.append("g").attr("class","edge")

var svg ="#mySVG1");"cursor","progress").on("click", function (){alert("clicked on svg");})
svg.selectAll("circle").style("cursor","pointer").on("click", function (){
	alert("clicked on node");
svg.selectAll("g.edge").style("cursor","cell").on("click", function (){
	alert("clicked on edge")

technology #2: D3


var sel = d3.selectAll("h3").style("color", "orange");

Selections with dynamic properties

var sel = d3.selectAll("h3").style("color",function(d,i){
	return (i % 2 == 0) ? "magenta" : "blue"



var colors = d3.scale.category20();"#svg1").selectAll("circle")
     return colors(i);
    return i*30+15
    return Math.random()*10+5;

Selections bound to data

var sel ="#myList").selectAll("li")
	return d;
  1. First item
  2. Second item
  3. Third item

Enter and Exit Selections

thinking with joins and the general update pattern

function update(data) {

  // Join new data with old elements, if any.
  var text = svg.selectAll("text")
      .data(data, function(d) { return d; });

  // Update old elements as needed.
  text.attr("class", "update")
      .attr("x", function(d, i) { return i * 32; });

  // ENTER
  // Create new elements as needed.
      .attr("class", "enter")
      .attr("dy", ".35em")
      .attr("y", -60)
      .attr("x", function(d, i) { return i * 32; })
      .style("fill-opacity", 1e-6)
      .text(function(d) { return d; })
      .attr("y", 0)
      .style("fill-opacity", 1);

  // EXIT
  // Remove old elements as needed.
      .attr("class", "exit")
      .attr("y", 60)
      .style("fill-opacity", 1e-6)

Enough technology
lets do math

network flows

digraph \(G = (V, E)\)

network flows

digraph \(G = (V, E)\)

A flow network \( N=(G,c,s,t) \)
  • capacity \(\forall e \in E: c(e) \geq 0 \)
  • source and sink \( s,t \in V \)

A flow on N: \( f : E \rightarrow \mathbb{R}_o^+ \)
  1. feasability / capacity constraints: \( \forall e \in E : f(e) \leq c(e) \)
  2. flow conservation: \( \forall u \in V \setminus \{s,t\} : \sum_{v \in V} f(u,v) = \sum_{v \in V} f(v,u)\)

Maximum flow

\( \max flow = \) 6 \( = \min cut\) \( = {\sum_{v \in V} f(s,v) } = {\sum_{v \in V} f(v,t) }\)

Push-Relabel algorithm

of Goldberg-Tarjan
  • exess \( e(u) = \sum_{v \in V} f(u,v) - \sum_{v \in V} f(v,u), u \in V \)
  • flow conservation: \( \forall u \in V \setminus\{s,t\}: e(u) = 0\)
  • flow conservation, instead preflow: \( \forall u \in V \setminus\{s,t\}: e(u) \geq 0\)
  • height \( h(u), u \in V \)

Push-Relabel algorithm

of Goldberg-Tarjan

while \( \exists v \in V \setminus \{s,t\}\) with \(e(v) > 0 \)
  1. \( \forall (v,w) \in E \): push \( min(e(v),c(v,w)) \) exess flow to neighbours when h(v)=h(w)+1
  2. relabel v to \( 1+max(h(w)) \) if it has still exess

Shortest Paths

with resource constraints (SPPRC)

edges carry n-d resource vectors:
  1. accumulated along paths
  2. constrained at intermediate nodes

Shortest Paths

with time windows (SPPTW)

edges carry 2-d (time,cost) resource vectors:
  • time constrained at nodes [arrival,departure]
  • cost unconstrained but seeks to be minimized

Shortest Paths

with time windows (SPPTW)

find paths \( P=(v_0,v_1,v_2,... ,v_n), s=v_0, t=v_n \) s.t.:
  1. \( \forall v_j \in P: arr(v_j) \leq \sum_{i=1}^{j}{time(v_{i-1},v_{i})} \leq dep(v_j) \)
  2. \( cost(P) = \min{\sum_{i=1}^{n}cost(v_{i-1},v_i)} \)

Label-Setting Algorithm

A tree of labels to store and manage paths:
  • rooted at s
  • ending in a resident node v
  • carry accumulated resources

Label-Setting Algorithm

While \(\exists \) unprocessed labels of paths P = (s,...v) in G:
  1. extend P from v using outgoing edges (v,w)
  2. keep if they are resource-feasible in w
  3. discard labels wich are dominated in both time and cost

Graph Editor

arbitrary #resources | upload/download | svg export

Outlook: 2.5D

CSS 3D Transforms of SVG Layers | D3.js, Three.js and CSS 3D Transforms

Outlook: 3D!

d3 + x3dom