Source: spp-rc-label-setting/js/Label.js

var CONSTRAINED_RESOURCE_INDEX = 0; //constrained time
var MINIMIZED_RESOURCE_INDEX = 1; //min cost unconstrained but should be minimized.

function idOf(i) {
    return (i >= 26 ? idOf((i / 26 >> 0) - 1) : '') +
        'abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz'[i % 26 >> 0];

 * A Label, built as a tree starting from the primitive label
 * A label for an SPPRC labelling algorithm stores its resident vertex, its predecessor arc over
 * which it has been extended, its predecessor label, and its current vector of resource values. The 
 * @class
Graph.Label = function() {
  this.arcIds = [];

  this.parentId = null;

  //just save both ids (a little reduntant) for easy access and serialization 
//  this.arcId =; //incoming arc
  this.nodeId = null; //=; //this label is resident (==ending) at node node
// = (parent ? ( + "->") : "" ) + this.nodeId; //that.nodeLabel(Graph.instance.nodes.get(this.nodeId));

  this.resources = [0,0];
  this.wait = null; = idOf(Graph.Label.labelIds++);


Graph.Label.reset = function(){
  Graph.Label.labelIds = 0; //assign unique ids to labels
  Graph.Label.labels =; //assign unique ids to labels


Graph.Label.getState = function(){
  var state = { labelIds : Graph.Label.labelIds, keys : Graph.Label.labels.keys() };
  return state;
Graph.Label.setState = function(state){
  Graph.Label.labelIds = state.labelIds;
  var keysCurrent = Graph.Label.labels.keys();
  for(var i=0; i<keysCurrent.length; i++){
    var k = keysCurrent[i];
      Graph.Label.labels.remove(k); //label did not yet exist, remove it

// Graph.Label.remove = function(labelId){
//   if(s.U.indexOf(labelId)){
//     s.U.splice(labelId);
//   }
//   //return Graph.Label.labels.remove(labelId);
// }

Graph.Label.get = function(labelId){
  return Graph.Label.labels.get(labelId);

Graph.Label.prototype.edgeIdChain = function(){
  return this.arcIds.join("->")

Graph.Label.prototype.nodeIdChain = function(){
    return Graph.instance.edges.get(arcId);

Graph.Label.prototype.isCheaper = function(other){
  return this.resources[MINIMIZED_RESOURCE_INDEX] < other.resources[MINIMIZED_RESOURCE_INDEX];

Graph.Label.prototype.cost = function(){
  return this.resources[MINIMIZED_RESOURCE_INDEX];

Graph.Label.prototype.time = function(){
  return this.resources[CONSTRAINED_RESOURCE_INDEX];

Graph.Label.prototype.toString = function(full){
  return ? "("+this.parentId+","+this.nodeId+")" : "");

//static method, not instance, so that we can serialize more easily
Graph.Label.toString = function(label) {
    return /*+" edges:" +label.edgeIdChain() + */+" with resource consumption ("+,i){
        return "<span style=color:" + ((i==CONSTRAINED_RESOURCE_INDEX) ? "black" : "magenta") + ">"+d+"</span>";

 * Checks weather a label fulfills all its resource constraints in its resident node
 * @param{Label} label
Graph.Label.feasible = function(label) {
    // var residentVertex = label.edges.get(label.arcId).end;
    var residentVertex =  Graph.instance.nodes.get(label.nodeId);
    if(label.resources[CONSTRAINED_RESOURCE_INDEX]<=residentVertex.resources[1]){ // timewindow [resources[0],resources[1]]; cost is unconstrained
        if(label.resources[CONSTRAINED_RESOURCE_INDEX]>=residentVertex.resources[0]){ //nothing to do
//                console.log2("waiting time of "+diff+" at "+label.nodeId);
           label.wait = residentVertex.resources[0] - label.resources[CONSTRAINED_RESOURCE_INDEX]; //saved so we can draw a nice path
           //logger.log3("waiting time of "+residentVertex.resources[0]+"-"+label.resources[CONSTRAINED_RESOURCE_INDEX]+"="+label.wait+" at "+label.nodeId);
        return true;
        return false;

 * Static factory function
 * extends a label along the arc and returns a new label
 * @param{Label} label
 * @return Label
Graph.Label.extend = function(parent, arc) { //arc is an actual Graph.Edge or a fake trivial path {id:-1, end:source}
  var label = new Graph.Label();

  label.arcIds = parent.arcIds.concat([]);
  label.parentId =;
  label.nodeId =;
  //accumulate resources
  for (var i = 0; i < parent.resources.length; i++) {
    label.resources[i] = arc.resources[i]+parent.resources[i]; //TODO changes to min(r(w),e+l_parent) later

  return label;

Graph.Label.trivial = function(sourceId){
  var source = Graph.instance.nodes.get(sourceId);

  var label = new Graph.Label();
  label.resources[CONSTRAINED_RESOURCE_INDEX] = source.resources[0]; //[0] is lower, [1] is upper limit on constrained resource
  label.nodeId = sourceId;

  return label;